Friday, November 23, 2007

Election Schmelection

So I have to go choose who is going to run my country.

My choices are Arsehole A or Arsehole B

Why is it politics always seem to come down to the personalities of the leader rather than the policies of the party. And why is it that a government who has been in 'power' for so long come out with all these policies now, and offer tax cuts and better schools and hospitals ONLY if they get reelected. You know who I'd like to vote for? The party that has been in power for X amount of years and instead of making a shitload of promises to try and buy votes, or trying outspend the other party who is trying to buy their way in, just come out and say - this is what we've been doing, this is where all these projects are at that we've been working on over the years and this is how they'll progress when we get back into power. We're not going to make any rash promises - we're just going to keep on doing well that which we have been doing all along.

If you've been governing well then that should be enough to get you back in - simple as that. If you've been doing a crap job - then we'll vote your overpaid arses outta there.

Politics - It's really fucking simple made complex by egotistical arseholes who would rather be in a pissing contest than try to look after the country.

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