Monday, April 9, 2007

Reflecting on Death

The last minutes of any day can produce the best light for a photographer but it also adds a degree of pressure. You know with each passing second the light is dying and if you want to get a shot it is now or never.
So you run around frantically, as I was doing tonight in a dusty old graveyard in a feild in the middle of nowhere.
All my shots were below medicore except for this one. Out of the corner of my eye I caught the reflection of the setting sun on this tombstone.
So I thank you William Robinson for showing me this.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

You can't eat a Robot Chicken

Todays Gizmodo shows a new product from Sega - A Robot Chicken!

We live in a world where 50% of the people live in abject poverty and are lucky if they can eat every day and yet Sega can not produce enough Robot Chickens to supply demand.

Kind of makes you wonder doesn't it. In the words of Newman from Seinfeld "Oh the humanity!"

Todays pic is of a homeless man and a young skateboarder. The man, either passing time or still genuinely interested in a world he doesn't participate in, sits reading a newspaper while young kids skate around him.

What startles me about this picture, and something I didn't see until it was pointed out to me on Flickr, was the similarity of pose between the two main subjects.
A life of future promise vs a life that has lost it's hope.

Friday, April 6, 2007

The First Never Read

So I read an article today on blogging and saw that 55% of the 70 million blogs have not been updated in the last 3 months.

The article also referred to a series of articles in News Limited papers that stated that blogging was in decline and that more people were turning to MySpace rather than Blog. They also pointed out that the News Limited article failed to mention that News Limited OWNS MySpace.

I thought I'd do my bit for the Blog community and post my own blog.

It seems a pointless exercise as I know I will probably not keep it up and I cannot fathom how anyone will find it let alone be bothered to read the rantings of a middle aged egotist.

I guess I'll post some pics up here as I take a lot of photos and, while I post on Flickr, I tend not to get into any analysis of the images I have posted on there so here may be an opportunity for me to maybe learn a bit about why I like a particular image.

So I post this First Never To Be Read blog to my oh so wittily titled blog and watch in rapt wonder as it sits out there in cyberspace unloved and unread.

Peace, Love and Mungbeans